Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Culture Realy is Your Operating System

Terence McKenna said it, and I do believe it is true. In the west this time of year we have a preoccupation, Christmas. In the hustle and it's easy to forget that at the core of Christmas is a magical figure flying the courses of the night sky spreading cheer and good will where ever he goes, but we also have the Jesus birth story coinciding with this sleigh driving, cookie gobbling, ambassador from the north pole.  We willingly perpetrate the lie while telling ourselves it's good for children. While we know it is untrue, it is easy to not think anymore about the effects on our culture and the world around us. I would not be the first to say that Christmas has become overly commercial and lost it's true meaning.

Speaking anthropologically, culture is learned behavior passed down though, story's, songs, pictures. These learned story's, and songs. create the world and give meaning to it. We all know there is no Santa living at the North Pole, who employs elves and rides magical Reindeer into town to drop down chimneys and deliver the goods to good girls and boys. I think there would be no dispute, there. Yet the retelling of the story has consequences all over the world. In China where Christmas is just another day of the week leading up to the massive celebration of Chinese New Year, it would be impossible for the average Chinese citizen to imagine what we regard as normal Christmas celebrations. And really, that works out pretty well for all of us over here, because if they did know, they might decide that making all our stuff was not worth it, that polluting their country (and it is polluted beyond what most of us can understand) is not worth it. They already know they want to live our western lifestyle. If that happens we are doomed.

I am not a doom and gloom type person. But I must talk about these things, I know others are, as well, And I can't, not I would be doing myself a great disservice by shutting up, because I want to scream.  I live in a place that is death to the soul. Suburbia, not just any suburbia, a smallish, farming town in the central valley of California. Once boasting the great title of most churches per capita, this town is a monoculture of the mind.
Not that Christianity doesn't do great things for people, It also makes a non questioning populous of blind allegiance. Allegiance is safe, doesn't hurt anyone around you. But It's all there is here, Who ever decided that suburban living was the right way to go was a sadistic fuck. It's painfully apparent to my that it sucks peoples creative energy. Maybe it's true every where you go there you are, or maybe if your not living in a place close to nature, super progressive art and thinking, with common space and a forum, your more likely to get pulled down into a negative pattern. Maybe.

I think Christmas is an interesting tradition, we do it for our kids. But I am finding it hard to believe that I am going to be able to give my kids the kind of life I had. And I grew up poor. What if there was another way. I like to make things spend time with family, eat, drink, and be marry, what if that was enough. Our culture would make that appear a little sad. What if I wanted to eat psychedelic mushrooms on the solstice and dance around a fire. By all accounts that was a large part of century's of celebrations on the winter solstice. Before Catholics came along and adopted pagan deities and celebrations, solstices were celebrated and why not. We still do we just have "safe" deities and magical beings to go along with it. Only it is still a MAGICAL belief that we lost 2000 years ago. What are we to believe that back then all the dudes who could get in touch with this magic god, died and that's it.... NO Bull shit. Riligion and Western Culture need some revision folks. there is no doubt in my mind. And not Scientology and Not Mormonism, You stupid..... Sorry No. Grass roots, spiritual revival.

Hoping For Light and Love.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thought Police

             One of the easiest ways to see the blatant discrepancy between the two forces  (as I see it) in the world. Is our so called War on Drugs. This war costs many billions of dollars of tax payer dollars to fund multiple agency's with huge logistical webs of men and machinery. And lets face it, it  is so impossibly infective at the goal of keeping drugs off the streets, If that is the real intention of and reason behind this constantly expanding seemingly constant  growth, of agency's involved.  We will touch in that later. With Colorado and Washington recently passing bills legalizing recreational use of marijuana it's pretty clear, more than half of people today ether smoke weed or don't mind if their neighbor does. And half still somehow believe the hype from the 60s  refer madness and all that. I can only imagine how big pharmaceuticals squirm when they see their profits on pain medication and anti depressants drop as they should. I have a feeling there will be a back lash, and that charge will be lead by big pharma. This clear illustration is but a tip of the ice burg when it comes to the voice of a nation. The culture of elite in this country is so blatant and in your face. How can someone say we live in a free country when they are saying I can't do what I want to my body to my own consciousness. A wrench has been thrown in the cog, and the machine is faltering. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next couple months regarding this Colorado and Washington.

Once a teacher asked the class weather we believed in our government or not.  He was a little shocked to see how many did not. That was back when Clinton was president, and how did it go from there? It would be interesting if you asked to day, I bet it would more evenly divided. Half or so would say yes and half would say no. Weather or not you see our system working well or not I think everyone sees how divided it is these days. This division actually works very well for some people, where each side has a few core issues and talking points and those are repeated over and over. Today every issue that does not serve to divide people is marginalized by the mane stream media. This works great for people who want things to stay the way they are, and keep people asleep, and consuming. Which might be one reason these visionary substances are defied. Both as catalysts for personal change and alternatives for pharmacological painkillers and antidepressants that are habit forming and do kill people.

                                                            Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Intention, Basing reality off of Culture.

             Greetings to all curious open harts and searchers for truth that find this. It is my intention to put down in words experiences, thoughts, understandings flights of fancy and entertain ideas that have come to me the last few years. Because in the last few years I find that I have undergone a sort of metamorphosis. In which my life has completely changed. Recently I have stumbled upon pod cast's and blogs discussing topics that interest me. I love consuming information in that format, in a totally informal way insights and knowledge seems to come across much more naturally from one person to other. I feel like my journey over the last few years has been fuel for my world view and led to interesting insights and change. These experiences run the gamut from, instinctual, to academic, metaphysical, spiritual, observational and many others. I would like this to be a organic and free flowing thought, if there is at all a way of reaching other journeyers I hope for that too.

                                              For The Highest Good of All Concerned