Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thought Police

             One of the easiest ways to see the blatant discrepancy between the two forces  (as I see it) in the world. Is our so called War on Drugs. This war costs many billions of dollars of tax payer dollars to fund multiple agency's with huge logistical webs of men and machinery. And lets face it, it  is so impossibly infective at the goal of keeping drugs off the streets, If that is the real intention of and reason behind this constantly expanding seemingly constant  growth, of agency's involved.  We will touch in that later. With Colorado and Washington recently passing bills legalizing recreational use of marijuana it's pretty clear, more than half of people today ether smoke weed or don't mind if their neighbor does. And half still somehow believe the hype from the 60s  refer madness and all that. I can only imagine how big pharmaceuticals squirm when they see their profits on pain medication and anti depressants drop as they should. I have a feeling there will be a back lash, and that charge will be lead by big pharma. This clear illustration is but a tip of the ice burg when it comes to the voice of a nation. The culture of elite in this country is so blatant and in your face. How can someone say we live in a free country when they are saying I can't do what I want to my body to my own consciousness. A wrench has been thrown in the cog, and the machine is faltering. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next couple months regarding this Colorado and Washington.

Once a teacher asked the class weather we believed in our government or not.  He was a little shocked to see how many did not. That was back when Clinton was president, and how did it go from there? It would be interesting if you asked to day, I bet it would more evenly divided. Half or so would say yes and half would say no. Weather or not you see our system working well or not I think everyone sees how divided it is these days. This division actually works very well for some people, where each side has a few core issues and talking points and those are repeated over and over. Today every issue that does not serve to divide people is marginalized by the mane stream media. This works great for people who want things to stay the way they are, and keep people asleep, and consuming. Which might be one reason these visionary substances are defied. Both as catalysts for personal change and alternatives for pharmacological painkillers and antidepressants that are habit forming and do kill people.

                                                            Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies.

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